


总是 立即拨打911 in a life-threatening situation. When safe to do so, inform 校园安全 of all emergencies by calling (773) 244-5600.

North Park uses an emergency response communications system, 黑板上, 在发生紧急情况以及因恶劣天气而取消或关闭的情况时,立即通知校园社区.

学生 and employees will receive text messages, 语音信息, 调用, 和/或电子邮件的新闻有关的任何形式的紧急情况发布后立即. In order to receive these updates, 学生, 工作人员, 教师必须向大学提供最新的紧急警报信息,以确保他们得到通知.

By providing this alert information, 你允许学校在校园紧急情况下联系你.

If you choose not to provide an Emergency Alert Phone Number, 那么你在知情的情况下自愿选择不参加学校的紧急通知系统.

您有责任维护这些信息并使其保持最新状态,以便及时获得紧急警报.  您可以随时更新您的信息,选择加入或退出紧急警报系统.

How to Update Emergency Alert Information:

1.     登录 自助服务

2.     Click on User Options in the left navigation menu.

3.     点击用户配置文件.

4.     Under Phone Numbers, provide an up-to-date mobile phone number.

5.     Select Campus Alert as the Phone Type.

6.     保存此信息.

除了, 当出现紧急情况时,大学可以选择使用LiveSafe应用程序通知校园.

自助服务  LiveSafe应用

在适当的时候, 大学亦会透过网站及社交媒体渠道与社会各界沟通.

马格努森校园中心办公桌是接收和路由紧急呼叫的中心,放置到北公园校园安全. 它由训练有素的人员组成,配备了有助于及时对紧急情况作出反应的设备.

校园内还分布着便携式数字收音机,在紧急情况下使用,为宿舍和其他主要校园建筑的安全提供直接通信和指示. 这是一个私人校园广播网,在停电的情况下也可以运行.

在紧急情况下, 大学可以指定专用电话线路作为紧急求助热线,以提供信息或指示. 如果实现的话, 这些线路的号码将通过所有适当的通信渠道分发.



总是 立即拨打911 in a life-threatening situation. When safe to do so, inform 校园安全 of all emergencies by calling (773) 244-5600.

  • 迅速评估形势,找出能给你带来最大生存机会的行动:
    • 运行: Can you safely get to a safer location? If yes, do so immediately, leaving your belongings behind.
    • 隐藏如果你不能安全离开, 在你的附近找一个地方躲起来,这样可以提供更多的保护,也可以选择移动.
    • 战斗: The absolute last resort—if running or hiding are not options—is to fight.
  • As soon as you are in the safest location possible, call 9-1-1. Do not assume someone else has already called. 告诉调度员:
    • 你在哪里?
    • Who the shooter is in as much detail and description as possible
    • 枪手在哪里?
    • Number and types of weapons you could see
    • 你所知道的任何伤害
  • If you must hide out, do what you can to 保持注意 and keep the shooter out: lock the door, 把灯关掉, block the door with heavy objects, keep quiet and put cell phones on silent/vibrate.
  • If there are two or more people in a space, quickly and quietly plan what to do if the shooter enters your location, 然后尽可能分散开来这样枪手就会被迫四处寻找目标. 不要挤在一起. 尽可能保持冷静. Everyone must be committed to surviving the situation.
  • If the shooter enters your space, assume their intentions are lethal and use anything you have at your disposal 作为防御武器. 大声喊叫,向他们的脸上扔东西,如果可能的话,把射击者作为一个团队来克服他们.
  • Remove yourself from the person/area if possible. If safe to do so, leave the building.
  • Do not physically confront the person or block the person’s access to an exit.
  • If remaining in the building, lock and barricade room door.
  • 关掉电灯和设备.
  • Call 校园安全 at (773) 244–5600 or text 校园安全 through the LiveSafe应用. 提供尽可能多的关于这个人及其旅行方向的信息.
  • 待在安全区域,直到执法部门或校园安全部门发出安全警报.
  • 不要使用电梯.
  • Follow directions given by evacuation leaders.
  • Calmly evacuate the building using the nearest exit.
  • Assist persons with disabilities or special needs.
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
  • 在协助残障人士或有特殊需要人士的同时,冷静地从最近的出口撤离.
  • Move away from the site of the hazard to a safe location.
  • Alert others to stay clear of the area.
  • Call 校园安全 at (773) 244–5600 or text 校园安全 through the LiveSafe应用. Provide as much information as possible about the hazardous materials.
  • 如果您已经暴露或有有关释放的信息,请通知应急人员.
  • 待在病人身边,除非病人有危险,否则不要试图移动病人.
  • Calmly allow emergency personnel to address the situation.
  • 在协助残障人士或有特殊需要人士时,请保持冷静并立即撤离建筑物或区域.
  • Do not use light switches, cell phones, or anything else that could cause a spark.
  • Do not use or tamper with any equipment.
  • Call 校园安全 at (773) 244–5600 or text 校园安全 through the LiveSafe应用. Provide as much information as possible about natural gas leak.
  • 在协助有特殊需要的人士时,请保持冷静,小心翼翼地前往有灯光的地方. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
  • 关掉炉子,拔掉电脑、电器和其他电压敏感设备的插头.
  • Do not tamper with or reset tripped fuses or switches.
  • Do not use candles during power outages.
  • 当警笛响起, move all persons to lowest level hallways and tunnels to avoid glass and debris.
  • Assist persons with disabilities or special needs.
  • Stay away from the windows and skylights.
  • Make sure all doors are closed, and keep the corridors clear of objects.
  • Wait for “all clear” to return to other campus areas.
  • Do not touch or disturb the object.
  • 冷静地离开现场.
  • Call 校园安全 at (773) 244–5600 or text 校园安全 through the LiveSafe应用. Provide as much information as possible about the object and its location.


学生, 工作人员, and faculty members have the opportunity to provide an emergency contact, someone that will be notified if you experience an emergency on campus, 比如生病或受伤, 通过自助服务, 6gwv.healthydairyland.com/selfservice. Once logged in, click on the User Options icon on the left navigation menu. 请确保这些信息是准确的,以便大学在需要时使用.

保密的联系信息将只能访问授权的校园官员,可能不会透露, 除了为了调查失踪人口的执法人员. 保密联系人的指定将一直有效,直到个人更改或撤销.

如果您未满18岁,紧急联系人必须是您的父母或法定监护人. The emergency contact person may be called during medical emergencies, depending on the severity of the situation and your wishes.

Missing Person Contact Information

学生, 工作人员, and faculty may also designate a missing person contact person, who may be notified if you are reported missing for at least 24 hours by roommates, 朋友, 教练, 或同事, 通过自助服务, 6gwv.healthydairyland.com/selfservice.  Once logged in, click on the User Options icon on the left navigation menu. 请确保这些信息是准确的,以便大学在需要时使用.

For more information about North Park’s missing person policy, please review the 安全及保安报告.

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